ADDISPACE Kick off Meeting
The Kick off meeting of the Interrog Sudoe ADDISPACE project was held on the 3 November at Estia University (Bidart).
Addispace was created with the purpose of promoting additive manufacturing technologies as a change in the manufacturing paradigm of the aerospace sector and as an opportunity for the SMEs operating in this sector. One of its goals is to demonstrate the technological and economic viability and the high levels of quality of the metal parts built with additive manufacturing methods.
In addition, it is aimed at raising awareness on the specialisation and employability opportunities that the additive manufacturing sector can offer to the labour market, as well as about the new professional profiles, skills and need for a training package adapted so that SUDOE can benefit from such an opportunity.
To achieve this, the project will create a technology dissemination and transfer platform between research centres and industry, so companies can incorporate 3D metal printing technologies, such as selective laser melting and laser metal deposition modelling, the two most important additive manufacturing technologies used to manufacture metal parts.
The project, in which Spanish, French and Portuguese companies and institutions are participating, was officially launched on 1 July 2016 and will have a 3-year duration. It has a budget of 1.77 million euros, of which 1.33 million comes from Feder funds.
The following entities participate in the project as partners: École Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées (ESTIA), IK4-LORTEK, Andalusian Foundation for Aerospace Development (FADA - CATEC), AFM, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, PEMAS, VLM Robotics, MICRONORMA and GNC Laser. Associates: DON BOSCO Professional Training Centre, Hélice Foundation, EADS CASA, Aeronautical and Aerospace Cluster Association of the Basque Country (HEGAN), Aerospace Valley, ADIRA Metal Forming Solutions, CENTIMFE and the Mould Technology Institute, A.C.E (IBEROMOLDES).