CATEC, presented ADDISPACE project during the harmonization meeting for additive manufacturing technology at ESA
The European Technology Harmonization Process tracks current technology needs and strategic gaps, then works to fulfil them by coordinating European R&D around shared development roadmaps. These roadmaps include agreed objectives, processes and interfaces – and break down the different steps required to attain success into individual 'building blocks', capable of being worked in parallel and in sequence by the various partners.
Last 22th February, the harmonization meeting for Additive Manufacturing technology was held in Noordwijk (The Netherlands), where our colleague Dr. Fernando Lasagni joined the Spanish delegation for presenting CATEC last milestones related with AM technology in space applications. Flyers of the ADDISPACE project were delivered to the auddience as well as a short presentatation during the open session and further disscusion during the day. More information at ESA webpage